Houston, Texas [email protected]


Marketing and communications manager — Asia Society Texas Center (Houston, Texas)
May 2018 – Present
Manage, produce, and optimize marketing and external communications (social media, email marketing, advertising, print and digital collateral and the website) to support 150+ annual individual programs and institutional goals while stewarding resources and relationships in a nonprofit structure. Produce and distribute photos, graphics and video to support programs and fundraising. Craft institutional campaigns and outreach directives. Assign, manage and collaborate with contract designers, photographers and videographers. Led the pivot toward and implementation of new virtual programming, enabling continued mission fulfillment during the pandemic. Manage promotion and distribution and assist in production of livestreamed events and on-demand content. Launched a new team to oversee and manage digital analytics reporting. Organized a new, agency-wide initiative to create structured opportunities to facilitate and advance internal communication, collaboration and team-building.

Staff photographer — The York Daily Record/Sunday News (York, Pa.)
May 2011 – May 2018
Photograph news, sports, features, long-term stories and studio assignments for the daily print and digital editions, as well as the quarterly high school sports tabloid, bimonthly women's magazine and weekly entertainment tabloid associated with the newspaper, for a total circulation of 85,000. Post regularly to the photo staff blog, photograph and upload photo galleries, shoot and edit video features, collaborate with reporters on long-term projects. Contribute to a quarterly photo page spread. Edit and transmit assignments remotely and on deadline. Use social media to distribute photos from stories of interest, breaking news and sports events while still on the scene. Coordinate with locations and editors for large-scale, on-location portraiture. Assign freelancers.

Photo intern — The York Dispatch (York, Pa.)
Jan. 2011 – May 2011
Photograph news, sports and features assignments for the daily print and digital editions, for a total circulation of 35,000. Shoot and edit video features.

Freelance photographer
Sept. 2010 – May 2011
Available for editorial work. Regular contributor to the journalism/technology blog 10,000words.net.

Photo intern — The Atlanta-Journal Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) 
June 2010 – Aug. 2010 
Photograph news and features for the daily print and digital editions, for a total circulation of 231,000. Edit and transmit assignments remotely and on deadline.

Sports photo editor — The Columbia Missourian (Columbia, Mo.) 
Jan. 2010 – May 2010 
Assign and edit photos for the daily print and digital editions. Oversee training and development of 15 student photographers. Meet weekly with the sports department, collaborate with sports editors and reporters.

Photographer — The Columbia Missourian (Columbia, Mo.) 
Aug. 2009 – Dec. 2009 
Photograph news and features for the daily print and digital editions. Produce multimedia stories.

Photo-editing intern — Washington Post Digital (Arlington, Va.) 
May 2009 – Aug. 2009 
Edit photos for the website's blogs, columns and articles. Produce daily and special photo galleries for the website, using staff and wire photos. Contribute to long-term, multimedia projects requiring use of databases and collaboration with other WPD departments. Shoot on assignment for The Washington Post.

State politics reporter — The Columbia Missourian (Columbia, Mo.) 
Aug. 2008 – May 2009 
Report on the 2008 statewide general election, with emphasis on the attorney general race. Cover the state budget and economy beats during Missouri's 95th General Assembly legislative session. Report and produce daily and long-term feature stories.

PhilNews manager — Philmont Scout Ranch (Cimarron, N.M.) 
May 2008 – Aug. 2008 
Manage the weekly staff newsletter, the primary source of news and information for more than 1,300 staff at the Boy Scouts of America's premier National High Adventure Base Camp. Responsible for all editing, advertising, design and distribution to more than 40 camps and departments. Oversee a staff of three writers, in addition to a cartoonist and six columnists. Implement a complete restructure and redesign to make the newsletter more journalistic, informative and appealing to readers.

Photo technician — Philmont Scout Ranch (Cimarron, N.M.) 
May 2006 – Aug. 2006, May 2007 - Aug. 2007 
Produce marketing photos for use by Philmont Scout Ranch, primarily of on-location activities in remote, rugged mountainous areas on the ranch. In 2006, develop and print color photos in a wet lab. In 2007, assist training new staff, print digital photos, maintain Fujifilm Frontier 370 Digital Minilab.

Photo editor — The Maneater (Columbia, Mo.) 
May 2007 – May 2008 
Assign and edit news, sports and features photos for the semiweekly campus newspaper for the University of Missouri. Oversee a staff of more than 20 student photographers. Coordinate assignments with reporters and editors. Produce and process art for the biweekly entertainment magazine and special sections.


  • 1st place — Photo Story, 2016 Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors Awards
  • Honorable Mention — Sports Photo, 2016 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • 1st place — Personality Portrait, 2015 Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors Awards
  • 2nd place — Photo Story, 2015 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • 1st place — News Photo, 2014 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • 2nd place — Photo Story, 2014 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • Honorable Mention — Special Project, 2014 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • 1st place — Sports Deadline Reporting, 2014 Pennsylvania Associated Press Managing Editors Awards
  • 2nd place — Spot News Photo, 2014 Pa. Associated Press Managing Editors Awards
  • 1st place — Photo Story, 2013 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • 2nd place — Photo Story, 2013 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • Honorable Mention — News Photo, 2013 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • 1st place — Special Project, 2012 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
  • 2nd place — Photo Story, 2012 Professional Keystone Press Awards (Pa. NewsMedia Association)
Conversationally fluent in Spanish.

One of 32 young journalists invited to attend the Poynter Institute's College Fellowship in May 2010. Built a website explaining the Deepwater Horizon oil spill to a young audience.

Skilled with Canon and Nikon camera systems and Adobe Creative Cloud.


University of Missouri (Columbia, Mo.)
Aug. 2006 - May 2010
Graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Journalism (emphasis in Photojournalism) and a minor undergraduate degree in Spanish.